Perseverance & Your Evolution

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Tribe! How are you feeling today? What are you moving through that will bring you out of victimhood into the new and magnificent? What are you clearing and releasing so that you can radiate and unleash? 

What I clearly know is the struggle. From having a stuttering problem from age 6, to leaving a 20 year marriage, to leaving behind a successful career to fulfill my life purpose, I know what it means to overcome adversity.

And what I also know is that if you are not evolving, you are not growing. If you are not diving in to face your inner barriers, you are not moving forward.

So today I encourage you to keep at it. No matter what you are faced with, know that these “problems” are actually opportunities. Anything that is in seemingly in your way is just an opportunity to dive in a little deeper. Love yourself, stand a little taller, shine that Light, and know I am standing with you. Together we rise.

Much love, many blessings. We are Love. xo

Dianna Hanken