The Winter Solstice

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…The darkness day of the year. This day last year I was witnessing 6 of you in a powerful circle release, let go, compost and harvest what did not work for you and then align yourself with your power to take what happened and use it as fuel to further your way forward. I did not host a circle this year and am holding this incredible tribe of Love as we turn inward and reflect, honor and place non-judgement on where we have been and where we feel we are headed.
The founder of Feminine Power, Dr. Claire Zammit, says that “Our power as creators really unfolds when we can be responsible for how we respond to whatever it is that is happening.” It is not that breakdowns won’t happen. It is how we turn towards the experiences with loving kindness towards ourselves and hold ourselves in a place that can allow us to really deepen into our journey and process. We do not ignore and turn away but instead turn towards and allow the energy to expand.

The Solstice can be a time of releasing, letting go, allowing whatever needs to move through to run its course and flow out like a river. Become the beautiful expansive spaces inside to allow the Light that is coming to fill you up instead of the dark and lonely spaces that are done fulfilling their purpose. We manifest through Love. We open our hearts to the Great Mother and Spirit and allow this divine energy to radiate through and up and around. Nahko also says in one of his songs – “Put down the weight. You’ve got to get out of your way.” Now in this potent and beautiful gift of the darkest day of the year, we put down, turn towards and harvest whatever needs to be released. You’re done with it. Let it go.

From the Tao Te Ching:

We join spokes together in a wheel,
but it is the centre hole
that makes the wagon move.

We shape clay into a pot,
but it is the emptiness inside
that holds whatever we want.

We hammer wood for a house,
but it is the inner space
that makes it livable.

We work with being,
but non-being is what we use.

Standing with and for you, always for your highest and best. Much love Beloveds. Let the Light shine!!!! xo

Dianna Hanken