The Life-Positive Universe

February - Hawaii .jpg

Aloha blessed tribe! I have been on the Island now for just about 24 hours and already I have experienced so many blessings. The energy of this land is opening me up, grounding me back into my soul and giving me much needed patience for life and others. I was allowing myself to get stressed with the snow back in Portland and not acting in alignment with who I would like to be. Patience is the first thing that goes. The Island and the huge presence of Mother is reminding me that living from the heart is what I am called to do, so I am breathing deep and allowing the energy to take over.

Signs of the life-positive Universe are all around us, and I was reminded how they can show up in an infinite number of ways to let us know how we’re always supported. On the airplane flying over I was watching a movie, and in the beginning shot they showed this glorious white crane sweeping across the sky. I really took that in for some reason and was appreciating its beauty. Since then, I have seen in one day about 8 more cranes live and in action here. By the time I saw the third one I asked my older son to look up the meaning of them. Cranes are symbols of happiness, good luck, family, travel, and group efforts. Thank you Spirit!! Wow! How fun is that. So I invite you to keep an eye out for your spirit guides helping you every step of the way. These situations are never random and are divine blessings. All we have to do is open our eyes, see through our hearts, and allow.

I have been using a practice lately that has been very powerful for me in shifting some old stories that might be helpful for you. Forgive me if this was in the last post or two- I can’t remember if I told you about this or not, and since I am not on my computer it’s not so easy for me to go back and check. Here it is again, or for the first time. Either way it’s been allowing me to honor that younger self even more deeply when she starts to get scared or nervous or feel out of control.

Say a situation arises that triggers you and the younger part of you that needs your attention. In deep surrender, I say the words, “Thank you for the opportunity.” What I mean when I say this is that I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to let go of my will and allow that of Source to come through. It completely shifts me into allowing. My heart can expand and the part of myself that is needing and wanting to stay in control can loosen its grip. Then I can breathe again. And as you know, this breath, this one moment, is all we ever truly have. Be grateful you have the awareness to be able to shift what you need in order to become an even better version of yourself. Thank you, and thank the opportunities that keep arising that allow you, if you so choose, to live the Light of your soul.

Even if you can’t jump on an airplane or drive somewhere and take a vacation and your patience is also wearing a little thin, know that in this energetic field we are all one, and my love is being sent to you in wave after wave after wave. We can amplify each other in however best we can. The word Aloha is used here in greeting, yet the definition of the word goes far beyond just a hello. The truest meaning is Love, Peace and Compassion. This runs deep and wide here, and so in whatever capacity I can, I send this on to you.

Aloha, beautiful ones. Xo

Dianna Hanken