Breathe, Hold Intention, Be Open

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Blessed Monday lovely humans. I am back in Portland now feeling rejuvenated and ready for the rest of winter. I am in curiosity and wonder around my patience level, though, as it seems to ebb and flow and not be as consistent as I would like. I know when I start to move into something new I can start to get a bit agitated that it's not happening as fast as I "think" it should, and so I am reminding myself to breathe, hold my intention, and be open to what shows up along the way.

What did show up in Maui was rainbows - every day. I saw multiple double rainbows in fact, and every time I saw one it brought me such joy. Do you remember when the simplest things made you happy? I was remembering that for myself. I also saw a sticker that had a rainbow on it that said "God's bow." So much fun! It was such a beautiful reminder to me that we don't need the stuff. We don't need the latest and greatest - we just need to look outside at the beauty of this planet in order for our hearts to expand. Being in a consumerist society has us thinking we need to buy in order to be happy. Sure, we want to take pleasure in what life has to offer. I mean, I just took a vacation. And we also need to know when enough is enough. What your soul is truly yearning for is your time and attention. What it wants beyond the newest gadget is your love and compassion and you remembering why you are here - to become the greatest version of yourself beyond the limits of what our minds will try and dictate.

I have been continuing to work on my keynote speech around the Art of Perseverance and in doing some research, I am finding some inspiring stories and quotes. The latest one I found was a riff off of one from Michael Jordan: "Because limits, like fear, is just the illusion." That resonated so much for me. We can find all these reasons for not moving forward, or letting our feelings of lack slow us down, or allowing the uncertainty of an outcome to derail our progress. And what does it truly take for us to continue on the path? There isn't one answer fits all although I keep searching and seeking and learning. What I do know is that if we align ourselves with Spirit and source our answers from the greater field of life, it runs much more smoothly. And in co-creating what we desire by placing our intentions and allowing for the miracles to show up makes the angelic realms joyful beyond belief. They get to play, you get to receive, and your divinity is amplified and expanded and those that come in contact with you are blessed just by your energetic presence. Talk about a win-win-win.

I encourage you to take a look at the beauty of the Earth today or tomorrow and allow the healing Love of this planet to fill you up. Allow your energy to be put towards your joy. Allow your soul to fully express itself outside the limits you have currently placed on it. You are here to become fully manifest outside the constraints of your mind, so let your heart do a little more loving, your smile meet another, and your voice to sing a little louder. And if you catch a rainbow in the sky, say hello to God for me.

We are Love. xo

Dianna Hanken