What will you choose?


Well now beautiful hearts. The next many days will be quite telling, and it might be difficult to not let our power go to the outside experiences. First, thank you to all of you who celebrated with me in the release of my TEDx Talk! Your words of support, love and appreciation absolutely filled me up! As my talk shared, it is about connection and doing so in a way that is heart, and not just head, and all of your reflections to me around how the talk inspired and shifted you truly means so much. It filled my heart. Thank you. I will share the link with you once I receive.

Then off the high of the talk, I hit the weekend with a couple of bumps. I shared with some of my friends and family what I saw happening with the election, and when that didn’t come to pass as I had seen, I went into a lot of self-judgement about myself. With my developing second sight, I saw how that would bring upheaval but also an opportunity for more of us to choose which way we want to go as a collective and with humanity. We ALL chose these experiences on a soul level so that more and more of us can wake up to our true essence, our true power, and how we are all connected as One. But as the days over the weekend brought no sign of this vision, I went into huge self-doubt of myself and what I saw. By Sunday, I felt stupid and a bit humiliated. Here I went and shared this vision but it didn’t come to reality, and now I was doubting myself and my ego was worrying about my reputation.

I don’t like feeling stupid. I have always prided myself on being highly intelligent, and my intelligence is not always of the book-smart kind. I was never great at taking tests in school, but I could read the room and know thoughts and feelings and intentions. And my lifelong journey of knowledge has never stopped, and I am always seeking out new things to study and learn because I love to do so. It’s really fun for me. But apparently I was being called to go a little deeper and explore why I was letting my power shift to these lower expressions of myself when what I saw didn’t come to pass.

Many of us are being pushed into new ways of connecting through new realities, telepathy, “knowing” something from our heart center. This is not something we have necessarily been taught to do, nor has this way of knowing been readily accepted by society. Raising two teen boys has shown me I need to change my language with them in order to be heard, and I make that choice knowing I still need to be able to communicate with them while also hoping my examples will lay a foundation for them when they are older to be open to these new concepts and ideas.

So I had a second sight vision, but then the vision as seen didn’t happen. So what was this about? As with any new skill, it takes time to develop and also what I realized is that we as a collective keep shifting the timeline as well. We are in constant co-creation with the Universe, and so our version of highest and best keeps changing whenever we personally make a choice and when we as a collective make a choice. Compassion over anger, empathy over hate, love over judgement shifts the matrix every single time.

And in my Listen.Trust.Act process, here was trust coming up for me to dig into a bit more. What part of myself didn’t trust me? Is an old part of myself still holding onto an old story of being stupid? So now with some space I will relax into this, love myself with compassion, and send these old stories back into the Light into the nothingness from where they came. I choose living from the knowing of the heart and letting that be my compass. I choose to step out of the matrix of this reality into a new dimension. And I choose the highest and best for each and every soul who has chosen to be in this space and time reality with me as we up-level all of humanity. Together.

Now we all have more choosing to do. How do you want to align your power, your heart, your timeline and trajectory? What will you focus on in order to bring a higher vision to and for yourself? You know the saying you can’t create a New World with the same consciousness, so create a new story of what you see. I choose peace, grace and ease. I choose to hold space for those that are struggling to move from their heads to their hearts. I choose to trust myself more in these second sight visions that will become normal for all of us one day, and how we will telepathically know each other through our hearts. I choose to be excited about our future because I will help shape and create the new story one thought at a time. What will you choose?

Listen to your heart, trust what you hear, and act in the Love that you are.

Much love, many blessings. xo

Dianna Hanken