In the midst of a breakdown, lead with Love and your heart

“Again and again in history, some special people wake up. They have no ground in the crowd. They move to broader and deeper laws. …[T]hey make room for bold and audacious action. The future speaks ruthlessly through them. They change the world.”

I heard this was written by Rumi but cannot verify the source, and feeling into the words, I do not think the author, whoever he or she was, would take issue with me if it was not indeed Rumi. These words were spoken from a soul who knew that leaps in humanity would come upon us when it was time to move into the direction of our higher timelines and trajectories, and of course you know that time is now.

The Great Conjunction that occurred in December was the beginning of an important shift for Earth, and the time between December 21st and January 20th is a period where we are bridging new energy. We are still completing some cycles such as the Sun and Pluto in Capricorn, but since Saturn and Jupiter have now moved into Aquarius, we can now tap into these new potentials that will lead even more of us into this dimensional-shifting energy. But be aware that all of the energy is not yet new, and there may be more completions that will happen for you as we continue into the month.

I listen to a few astrologers and all have said that January would be a tough month energetically, and the next two weeks could be potentially challenging. All of humanity is being pushed into greater self-awareness, and stretching into a new level of self can be frightening, scary, and a sense that you have a loss of control. The Universe is giving us a wink and a nod with the Capricorn New Moon happening at midnight EST on the 13th at the exact same degree point that the Saturn-Pluto conjunction was last year. That conjunction was the biggest energy of the year for 2020, and now we are revisiting this same point in time to show us what has changed, how you are different, what is no longer serving you, and where do you want to go now?

Today is a very special day for me being that is 1-11. I woke up in the Field of Love and was greeted with a field of white lilies. I also experienced a rainbow of Light and then was shown an exquisite color of blue which I have never seen before. The song by Ava Max called “OMG what’s happening” is quite apt. How willing are we to trust something we cannot see but only that your heart knows the true meaning? When you are in energetic alignment, hearts are like magnets, and you can connect on the unseen plane. I love all the words in that song except for the bridge where she wants to hurt her beloved. I would never do that. Sometimes I question what I have seen and felt. So I keep surrendering into the unknown, and I keep learning to trust that my heart is the scale that knows.

Our ability to keep expanding into this space and time that is ascension and to embody the new Light frequency is equal to your ability to hold Love for yourself. Your value of yourself and how you deem yourself to be worthy is in direct correlation to how much Light you can hold. Your heart field is wanting to continue to expand into this freedom of New Earth, and your soul journey is directing you here. So please pay attention to what no longer serves you, where your heart is just saying no – this no longer works for me – and have the courage to put it down and keep moving forward. Rise and flow with the breakdowns and know they can only serve you if you orient yourself to the breakthrough. What am I to release, to surrender, to embody in the now? Who and what do I need to forgive including forgiveness for myself?

Your future, who you are becoming, and your higher purpose are all right here for you. I invite you to touch these higher realms with your heart and Love, surrendering and trusting that it is yours to have if you so choose. Be bold, take action. And on this very special day, may you know the treasure and blessing that you are.

Much love, many blessings. xo

Dianna Hanken