Shifting timelines to manifest more in your reality

Hello to you beloved Lights! It's been quite a while and hope you are moving through your life journey with grace, ease and fun.

I channel write when Spirit needs me to share a concept or teaching, and recently they have been using my Earth time and energy in a different way. I understood a while back that my work would be changing, and this is a by-product of continuing to move in the way that is highest and best for me and in turn for all of us.

In June I rejoined the Feminine Power team where I have done the majority of my personal growth training, and my days are filled with serving women who are considering stepping into this work of personal development and empowerment. I had worked for FP a few years back and stepped away for a while, and I am very happy being back with them again. The days are quite full and can be tiring, but it is definitely the right fit for me in this time. I still work with my private clients, and in my new role I can serve many more women as well. It's an honor, and I am grateful.

You might be noticing the shifts in timelines on the planet as New Earth continues to come alive for those of us choosing higher outcomes for ourselves and others. As I have shared before, New Earth is a consciousness, and the more you clear your inner self, the more you can experience grace, ease and flow in your life because your body is able to handle more Light and rise higher. The more you do your inner work, the more of what you are desiring can show up in your reality. Each of us is walking the planet having very different experiences. All of it is correct as we are choosing what we need in order to learn, grow and expand. But the more you consciously choose to clear yourself of darkness and anchor in Light, the more you are in energetic alignment to what you are desiring. There is always divine timing at play, yet when you can stop, get quiet and listen to your inner world, the more your outer world will reflect what your heart truly wants.

For me, the inner work has been relentless, and yet it has shifted to being much easier to clear. Ascension is not for the timid, but I wouldn't choose anything different. My skill set is shifting as I continue to become more Light. I'll give you a quick example. About a month ago on my run I passed a homeless man stumbling down the street with a beer can in his hand. As I passed him and looked into his eyes, I saw the darkness that was enveloping him. I called out to my Galactic team to please help him, and they immediately showed up and began to surround him in Light and heal him. This time, however, they invited me to learn how to do this type of clearing on my own, and so my astral body self was learning how to do this type of energetic clearing as I continued on my run. It was so cool! A few days after this, I saw the homeless man again - this time without the beer can - and when he looked at me, his eyes were clear and bright. We looked at each other and acknowledged one another through our eyes. A few days after this, I saw him again, and he waved at me. And then finally, a few days ago, he smiled the biggest smile at me, I smiled back, and I knew he had fully cleared the darkness that had gripped him. It was such a gift to be able to see this process in action, and I can see that I will be able to do more of this type of healing work in the future. All in divine timing.

There is going to be another huge energetic timeline split with the 8/8 Lion's Gate portal, and we are also having a New Moon on this exact day as well. You might be feeling the energies already as I definitely am. Our awareness will continue to expand and develop - if you so choose - and I encourage you to ask for grace and ease to expand your Light and multidimensional capabilities. Ask your higher self, future self, spirit tribe, angels and your team for help, guidance, highest and best direction. The more comfortable we are calling and speaking to these energies, the more you will be able to rise higher into ALL of your capabilities, talents, gifts and potentials. More and more, manifestations are starting to just show up in my reality when I ask for them. It's remarkable.

Yesterday on my evening walk and then today on my run, I saw a bunny hopping around. It was the same bunny but in two very different locations - hmmmm, fascinating. So I pay attention. I looked up the meaning of the bunny and what most resonated with me about this spirit animal showing up for me is abundance, creativity and spontaneity. It's showing me that I need to create a little more fun in my life and be spontaneous. I have been working very hard, so that is good advice I will take.

And to all the lovely Leos out there who are celebrating birthdays in this season, may the brilliant Sun shine brightly on you and flood you in Love, Light, blessings and abundance. I see you.

Much love, many blessings. xoxo

Dianna Hanken