What really is New earth, ascension, and how can it help me?

Beautiful day to you dear ones! Spring has arrived – at least here in Portland – and I am beyond happy with the turning of the seasons. The birds are out signing, the smells from the flowers are beginning to come online, and the days are getting longer. I am more than ready for this!

In this journey of New Earth and ascension, as my journey and path becomes more clear to me, I am hopefully able to then translate this to you in a more clear way as well. I feel like a new level of awareness and understanding has evolved for me, and I am hopeful this will translate well for you and provide some clarity on what this New Earth and ascension stuff all means.

When you come into this human body in this lifetime, you enter with all of your stored karma that was not healed in previous lifetimes. All of this energy is downloaded into you via your seven chakra energy fields. A record of these past life energies is kept for you, and when you decide to reincarnate and choose to give life another go to hopefully clear more karma, you enter this life stream with all of the past that you need to continue to clear. This is why you can feel like some issues or struggles you were just “born with,” and this is entirely true. But you chose to come into this lifetime to work through these issues, to connect more with Source/Spirit/Universe, and to hopefully embody more Love and Light.

With the start of ascension last year and the great turning of the tide at the end of the year with the Great Conjunction, Gaia turned into a different form of Light. (She had been preparing for this time and it took years to finally get there, and many Light beings worked tirelessly to help make this happen.) These new energy streams are coming from other galaxies and planets not in our solar system, and the Sun that we see in our sky filters these new energy codes and Light so that the planet can absorb them in waves and over time. The Sun last year was completely recoded so that it could hold these new energies and potentials. Those of us on the leading edge of ascension are able to ground this energy into the planet for all of us, and there are thousands of us doing this right now (hence the name Lightworker…).

Never before in the existence of Earth have we experienced this type and quality of energy before. It is all new, of a higher vibration and frequency, and this is allowing all of us here on Earth to experience life in a brand new way. The Light is brand new, the energy is brand new, the experiences you can now have will be brand new as Gaia continues to be flooded with this new Light. This all takes time so that everything here on Earth – the plants, animals, water, and humans – can embody and absorb all of this rapidly changing energy in a graceful and hopefully easeful way.

As you absorb all of this new energy, your body and chakra systems are becoming less dense and more Light even though you may not be consciously aware of it. But you might begin to see it in your reality as certain people and ideas no longer resonating with you and you being complete with them. Perhaps you’re having health issues as your body adjusts to the new energy and you’re having to reorient in a new way. Maybe you’re drawn to more creative projects or dreams that you had long ago that now seem possible and are calling you forward. You can consciously choose to move with New Earth or be dragged along. The choice is up to you.

So back to your stored karma and density that you came into this life with. Never before have you been able to move through this density with more ease and greater clarity. It is because this new Light is allowing you to do this. Many of you might feel like you just have to go there now – you can’t run or hide from it any longer. That is because in ascension, you have to become more Light, do the work and clear the darkness, and as the vibration on the planet keeps continuing to rise, you will have to rise with it or disembody. But you chose on a soul level to be here, on the planet at this time, in order to do exactly this.

In order to ascend, your seven chakras will become 100% Light. You will then no longer need to keep coming back into a body and keep clearing away more karma. This is the ultimate goal of the soul. But even if you do not ascend in this lifetime, any work that you do to clear your emotional, spiritual, mental and physical body is all good work as you will not need to resolve these issues in the next life. You are one step closer to achieving that ultimate process of being pure Light in form. So the more you choose to heal, to embrace and to love home into the Light will not be carried forward with you.

And so when I keep saying that never before have you been able to reach these parts of yourself before, this is what I am referring to – being able to reach and tap into these hidden parts of yourself that up until now have not been able to be fully healed and transcended. There is such grace and ease and possibility for you to truly have it all – all these potentials you knew were possible but never seemed attainable up until now. It is miraculous, exciting, beyond expectations, and simply glorious. We are living in the most important time in human history right now.

My gift is being able to help you reach these potentials. We do that by connecting with your guides and higher self, tapping into the Light that helps you clear and release so that the work is easier. But you have to align yourself with Source, be willing to do the inner work, and learn to live from your heart. The end game is Love and being a full expression of Source in form – pure Light – having a much easier and joyful life journey and manifesting everything you truly want in your life.

So to wrap this up, New Earth is a planet that is continuing to rise with new energy and Light. This new energy is allowing all of us to reach potentials and possibilities within ourselves that have not been available to us up until now which is allowing millions of us to ascend. And the energy is quantum – meaning we are all One so what I choose to clear in me I am also clearing in you and vice versa, and the energy spiral just keeps rising and elevating making it easier for all of us to get there. Those of us a little farther ahead on the path are the bridge between these worlds.

Reach out to me if you want support on this journey as it would be an honor for me to help get you there. I know the path well and can help you take years and lifetimes off the karma books and to help you manifest the life you desire. And please forward and share this with anyone you feel would resonate with what I am sharing. The more we amplify each other, the faster we all will get there.

Live from your heart, connect with your guides, watch your words, deeds and actions, and know the Love that you are.

Much love, many blessings. xo

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Dianna Hanken