Full Moon, Grand Trine, New Earth, and update on my ascension process!

Blessings to you dear hearts. I’m up again early and my mind won’t shut off, (a definite by-product of all the Aquarius energy buzzing around), so I might as well get up and be productive! On my way to my computer to write, I stopped to get my fleece from the dryer and ended up folding laundry, and I laughed at the interesting way my morning was beginning. And so it goes sometimes!

There’s lots of exciting things to share with you, and the first is that we have a Virgo Full Moon happening this Saturday. She’s already bright in the sky, and a reminder that the energy from a full moon is potent 3 days before and three days after the exact day, so harness that power if you so choose. A Full Moon is a completion energy, so whatever you’d like to release, now would be a good time to set those intentions and let them go. Then the next day on the 28th, the last day of this fast month, we will have an Earth Grand Trine happening as well! A Grand Trine is when 3 planets align in perfect triangular harmony, and being that this one is happening in 3 Earth signs, it can help you be more productive and create something tangible here on the planet.

I enjoy staying attuned to how astrology can help us with our earthly journeys and how we can move more in flow with life in this way. When we are aware of how Gaia operates, we can choose to align our energy with Her and make the most of these opportunities. Our bodies are designed to move with the seasons, and when we choose to orient to nature and the rhythms of this realm, then we can amplify ourselves and harness this power in such a beautiful way.

This then leads me to the New Earth energy and where we are with this transition. We are in New Earth now! If you read this blog and resonate with what I share, then you are more than likely standing on a new platform in the new realm(s). How exciting is that? The journey is less dense, the Light is more clear, and we can tune ourselves to higher frequencies. I mentioned a while back that I have high-pitched ringing in my ears, and this is one way we can attune to the new frequencies. There are seven realms currently available to us in this New Earth, and most of us are easily playing in the first and second realms.

So what does this really mean for you? It means that you can move through your karma and inner density more quickly. It means many things that were not possible or available to you before to manifest are attainable now. Those projects that never seemed to go anywhere can happen more easily now. The life partnership that you knew was possible but never seemed to materialize can happen for you now. Your truest gifts and purpose is online now. With anything in life, however, you need to consciously create where you want to go. You must choose to orient yourself to highest and best and to allow the Universe/Spirit/Source to guide your path. Remember that you are a spiritual being having a human experience, and it would serve you well to remember that is your reason for being here on Earth – to grow your spiritual self. So if you choose to align with opportunity and possibility over struggle and strife, this will serve you well on your path.

Finally, another reason why my mind is active this morning is because I received my ascension reading from the Masters in New Zealand yesterday! It was so thrilling to see where I am on the ascension journey, where I am in alignment and where I can support myself more on the path. We ascend through our seven chakras, and the more we clear our inner selves from karma, the more Light we hold in our bodies. This Light is stored in our chakras, and when all seven chakras are 100% Light, then we have released ourselves from rebirth and will ascend.

There are many aspects and elements that go into the ascension process, and I would love to share a few highlights with you here around my process. My third eye chakra is 80% Light; my throat chakra is a turquoise blue color instead of the usual mid blue color, and this turquoise blue is the new normal for those ascending; my heart chakra is half green and half pink. Normally the heart chakra is green, but in ascension, our hearts will turn all pink which is the state of compassion and unconditional love. My Ascension Ascended Master is Serapis Bey (had to look him up!), and my Ascension ray is the White Ray of Harmony through Conflict. My main area of growth is working with my inner child, and I know exactly where she is. She is four years old and often hiding or afraid. I also have grit in my astral body that needs to be cleared, and I have a session with the Masters to tend to that.

All of this is a process, a journey, an experience to be enjoyed and marveled. I will continue on the path and do the work, and in about six months, I should have my entire heart chakra pink, more light in all my chakras and my karma has decreased. We create karma every day with our thoughts, words, actions and deeds, so it is good to be aware of all of these as you move throughout your day.

So this wraps up another early morning writing session, and I wish you all good things with the Full Moon and Grand Trine. Now it’s time to throw in a load of laundry, prep for my day and probably bake something for my boys to eat for breakfast. I invite you to live in the beauty of this day knowing what a gift you are to me and all of us on this journey together. As always, much love, many blessings. xo

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Dianna Hanken