Leading With Your Heart

Hello beautiful tribe! All around I see the holiday season upon us, and I wonder sometimes just how much Spirit is wanting us to get caught up in the flurry of stuff and activities. I know for myself I am already busy with parties getting lined up and putting up decorations, and I have been reminded just this past 24 hours how important it is to move from my heart and not my mind.

With my to-do list in full action mode, my mind can track, plan, and edit at a very disciplined rate. I am very organized, and when you’re raising two teens, working, writing and just living, I can easily stay in my head and not allow my soul to have first choice. As my spiritual coach texted me this morning, “The goal is not to shut our brains down but to get our souls so solid that they always have first say.” Wise words indeed.

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The reason why I can stay in my mind and figure things out from there is because being in my heart can sometimes be painful. When you feel, you are open. When you let your soul have first say, you are vulnerable. That’s a very scary place to land sometimes even when every cell of your body knows it’s the highest and best place to be. When I came back into my heart this morning, I cried. I needed to meet a younger part of myself and love her up as she was feeling unworthy. These fractured parts of ourselves will continue to pull on us until we turn and face what is needing our inner attention. In this case for me, she was 3 years old and needed to know my older, wiser self could meet her and not leave her. I am still in a tender place, and I can hold that. It is in my commitment to me and to you and this tribe and this revolution that I do the work. And now, I can move through the feelings into a state of conscious action.

I heard someone say somewhere that love is not a feeling, it’s a choice. More wise words. From this re-alignment into heart-centered consciousness, I can choose to Love without needing to have the feeling state associated with it. Love is a conscious action. Sometimes we don’t love where we are in our life, but we should still choose to love ourselves anyway. We may have guilt or shame or resentments, and the choice to love ourselves should be the top priority even when the feelings get in the way. By choosing Love, you transform everything around you, most especially yourself. And I want to encourage you to love anyway even when the traffic is bad going to buy a gift or when you’re stressed about planning a perfect party. Remember, it’s not about the doing, and everything about the being. Spirit will only care if you gift another person your Love and your heart.

As I finish writing this to you and allowing myself to be fully authentic on where I am, a small miracle of Love energy is enveloping my body. I am crying a few more tears as this is how Source wants us to show up – in an open, vulnerable, empowered state. I am reminded of how Jesus said, “Be like the little children.” Free and open and just loving. No agenda, just joy and compassion. As the crush of the holiday season surrounds us, I hold a deep and wide space for you to return to your heart and to your soul. And in the process, choosing Love.

Dianna Hanken