Finding Joy

Hello my sweet Love tribe! I am up early again this morning, and the benefit of meditating at 3 am is that there is lots of space and time and quiet to allow. To allow Love to permeate the Field, to allow my mind to let go and my heart to expand, to allow Spirit to come through in its wisdom and guidance. In this season of “giving,” I smile at how Source really would love for us to give. Not by doing things the way they always have been done but instead choosing the path that is right for our own individual souls. It may not be what is expected of us, and others may question your sanity, and I am more than happy to follow my heart in the quest of highest and best because this is how true happiness happens. Not by doing what is tradition but what is in soul alignment.

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In my years’ process of breaking down old patterns and ways of being, there were a few years where I holed up and didn’t want to be around people. I found interactions to be unfulfilling, stagnant and just depressing. No one was speaking truth and I couldn’t handle it. I now understand that this going within is very much a part of the process of aligning with your inner castles. Of course it makes perfect sense that I would need such energetic space from everything in order to birth a new reality in myself and ultimately for all of us. St. Teresa of Avila even says that you will lose everything – your family, friends, jobs, any structures that are no longer serving you. And yet, I am always wanting the path to be clearer for you. I do not want you to have to struggle, to have to spend a few years in such pain in order to move forward. Fortunately, this new paradigm that we are creating is allowing us to move so much more quickly into alignment, and that is what makes every tear, every pain, every moment of despair worth it because now we all can manifest through the Love. Through each of us individually doing the work and clearing and anchoring in more heart-centered consciousness, the ripple effect is becoming exponential, faster, and more profound. It doesn’t have to take you years. In fact, your reality can shift with just the thought and intention.

In my new orientation of now wanting to be around others to connect and share and just be, I am also very aware of how much I can give. Yes, we are all infinite, and yes, each of us is God-seed, and yet I know for myself I still cannot continually give. Perhaps one day I will reach that place where I am completely open to just allow Love, and in the meantime I will honor myself in knowing when to extend and when to move into quiet. I think we all can point to many times in our lives when we overgave and the energy is not the same. Giving when it is not authentic does no one, especially you, any good.

This time of year in the States it is all about the marketing frenzy of joy, give, give happy, if you give you will be happy and then be joy. Augh! I invite you instead into bringing your energy and attention back into your body. From this space and from this connection to you, you will find the sustainable joy. You can only give to others what you ultimately give to yourself. So if you decide to skip that traditional holiday party that you really don’t like, let others call you crazy. If you decide to forego buying that extra present because you wanted to spend a little more time with your children, allow yourself the space to do so. I attended a holiday party on Friday and my sweet man who went with me made the comment that we are all One in this room and yet most of us feel completely disconnected. Such true words. All any of us truly want is to be seen at the soul level. We can’t meet each other heart to heart if we don’t allow ourselves the freedom to move how we personally need to move no matter how it looks to others on the outside. You know your heart, so honor that first. Always.

As I wrap up this post, I just spent a few moments energetically infusing these words with as much Love as I could channel. My intention is that when you read this, your heart expands. My intention is that you find your authentic courage to do what is right for you today. My intention is that you consciously create what is highest and best for you. Your Light is the North Star. When you allow it to shine, others can follow. This is all Spirit ever wanted when you came to this reality – to awaken in this body and be your fully manifest self and to fully express your destiny. In full appreciation of who you are, I see you and honor you and love you. Be the Light in whatever way is true for you.

We are Love. xo

Dianna Hanken