The Most Important New Moon of the Year!

It’s all here beautiful ones. The light, the shift, the new energy. It is flooding the planet and all the waiting is complete. Now comes a truly glorious and interesting part of the journey!

It was predicted that February would be a turning point, and for me, it definitely is. I am fully in this new realm and continue to expand and amplify myself into this divine Light. My energy is returning, and I no longer go to bed early. My third eye chakra is wide open, and I continue to develop this new skill of seeing different realities all at the same time. So dang cool! And somewhat of a surprise, I am fully in my body and anchored. It’s always been difficult for me to want to be here on Earth, but now it’s such a joy.

All the years of doing the good work, of clearing my inner spaces, has allowed me to continue to ascend into another dimension while still in human form. We all have the capability to do this! The end result is a light heart, freedom, bliss. I experienced zero point stillness/the full stop sensation four or five times but have not yet experienced the solar flashing. It’s all okay. I know that part of my journey will come in divine timing.

There is so much Love here! It keeps expanding all of us every moment of the day, and that can bring about different experiences for all of us. I know some of you are very sad right now. That seems to be a theme with more than a few people that I know. Even though you may not be aware of it, the Light is changing you at a cellular level, and when that happens, anything that is no longer serving you on your journey needs to be released. So it can feel like sadness, depression, and lethargy. I’d invite you to just allow yourself to be with this for now, take good care of yourself, and do things that bring you joy and comfort. There is absolutely Light ahead.

The most important New Moon of the year is happening tomorrow, and the energy from this moon will carry us into 2023, so place your intentions well. Wherever you have Aquarius in your chart is what is most alive for you right now, and even if you don’t know anything about astrology (I am relatively new to it but learning), you do know how to set intentions! So place them well, encode them with golden Light, and send them off to be manifested into the realms.

And then Sunday is a day that we can choose to celebrate Love in all forms. I choose to embrace all the heart and goodness of this day and send you all an extra special blessing of Light. Some of my favorite songs on my Love playlist right now are “Show Me Love,” “Sex,” “Crazy in Love,” and my favorite – “By Your Side.” I definitely want to be celebrating my milestone birthday with my Love, so I think showing up sooner rather than later would be an excellent idea. Always place your intentions and then let the Universe decide on perfect and right timing. You are worthy of experiencing Love – in all forms – beyond all expectations. I know I am ready.


And so we continue on into new spaces, new dimensions, new everything, really. What a miraculous time to be on the planet! As always, reach out to me if you need support. You can absolutely create the life you always knew was possible for yourself. It could have seemed impossible up until now, but know with this divine shift, it can happen faster and with more ease than ever before.

Much love, many blessings. xo

Dianna Hanken